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Daily Bread 2-26-19

Romans 7:4

Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him that is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

ref. - Ro 6:14 - For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Gal 2:19 - For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.

2 Cor 11:2 - For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you a chaste virgin to Christ.

It is easier said than done to convince anyone that they can live free from sin. But that is exactly what serving God in Jesus Christ makes us capable of. As long as we are joined together with Christ we will also be obedient and submissive to him, just as the word of God tells the wives to submit to their husbands. If we go looking for another leader or "husband" we will find ourselves falling away from the one that has been put before us. This causing us to become disobedient an fruitless toward God. We always say the God has the perfect mate for us here in earth. Well, he does, and his name is Jesus Christ. If we follow him and let him take the role of the husband in all our lives, whether male or female, bond or free... we will soon find that we will be producing fruit towards God and, in turn, be blessed. The word telling us that we are not under the law does not mean that we are exempt from the law, it means that we are free from it and under the protection of God as long as we are married to Christ. Once we separate ourselves, we are on our own, and back out into the world. That is, the world that is going to be burned and perish someday. So, you see, it is too simple. This path that we must take. We must look at it as a marriage and we are the wife. We must take the instruction of Christ, we must be obedient to it, we must love, honor, and obey him, and he will lead us in all things unto perfection. Sin will no longer have dominion over us as he will cast off sin in our lives and make us a holy people. He will protect us, he will love us, and he will honor us, as he has never backed out on a bond or a promise. But he will also not put up with us cheating on him in our dedication, love, or obedience to him. If we are non-believers in him, just as the word says, and we choose to not remain in this bond, he is no longer under obligation or bondage to us either. He is a jealous God and is not going to share us. He is husband to one wife and that is the Church, that is us. So, let us rather than going out looking for something better or easier or more beneficial, let us settle into our relationship with him in love, peace, and humility. As long as we remain faithful to him we will be his people, and he will be our God. This, brothers and sisters, is where we belong!! Have a great day!!!

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