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Church History

In the mid 1930's, on a street corner in San Marcos,  TX. a man and his wife began a journey that would become The General Conference Of The Church Of God Of The Firstborn.  The man was A.G. Etterman and his wife Annie.  They, being lead by the Holy Ghost were drawn to a little tree farm at 720 S. Kansas Ave in Newton Kansas.  This property would eventually become the national headquarters for the Church.  Along their path they held street meetings and tent meetings in towns scattered all over North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.  At these meetings and in these towns men were called to preach the gospel and Churches were formed.  As of today there are several Churches in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Florida, Tennessee, and Coahuila, Mexico.  The Church Of God Of The Firstborn is a full gospel, non-denominational Church that is open to all races and nationalities.  English is the predominate language but the messages are also translate into Spanish where needed.  This is the only Church affiliated with and endorsed by The General Conference of The Church Of God Of The Firstborn and the only one that was founded and led by A.G. Etterman. We believe that faith in God through Jesus Christ, a good work ethic, and coming into one mind and one accord in the Gospel of  Jesus Christ is what the whole world needs to not only get to heaven but to make the world a better place to be as well.      Every September the Church holds it's annual September Convention.  It goes from September 10th to the 30th. During these twenty one days there are  meetings in the mornings and evenings with a kitchen that is open to feed the people that are visiting.  All of the ministers and their wives come together for twenty one days of training and worship.  According to one of the ministers, "It gives me strength to go back to the Church that I have been placed and teach the community this wonderful doctrine."  That doctrine being the bible doctrine.  A copyrighted book, all backed by scripture from the King James version of the Bible, that outlines this is available from this site or by calling the number posted on this site. Also available is a copyrighted book, written by A.G. Etterman called "A Life Full Of Faith". This is the only site or Church that is authorized to print or reproduce this literature as they are protected under U.S. copyright laws.

© 2016  The Church of God of the Firstborn

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