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Daily Bread 3-1-17

Colossians 3:18-20

18 Wives, submit yourselves unit your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

ref. - Pr 23:22 - Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old.

What wonderful news when the gospel gives us the instruction to make our families operate within His will. If we truly believe, as we say we do, then we will receive what the word of God has to show us today. This scripture is not made to put one against another but to show us how to bring unity in Christ and in our families. We don't have to receive this instruction blindly as something that has not been tried and successful, for it has been tried and it is the way that will make our families, spiritual and carnal function properly as according to Gods will. If we believe we will receive. Let us look at our great guide, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is declared as the husband of the believer in the Spiritual, and if we submit ourselves to him, obeying his commandments and his direction then we, as wive to the husband, will be found in favor of the Lord. (John 14:15-24). As the perfect example of a husband we have Christ towards us. He loves us so much in blessing, correction, punishment, forgiveness, patience. All these things the symbol of love in Jesus Christ. As children of God we are put under the authority of parents, people who have the rule over us, just as Christ was obedient to his Fahter, so should we be obedient to they who have been put in authority over us in the Lord. Not backbiting, debating, and acting against, but obedient in all things. This is pleasing to the Lord. So, we can see that, once again, we receive all instruction to help us in our carnal lives by becoming what Christ was, is, and will always be, in our Spritual lives. The perfect and great example. Today remember this; wives, if you do your part, your husband does his part, and the children do theirs in parallel to the word of God, your family life will be what God made it to be. If you are a wife, submit yourself to your husband, it is God's will and why you were created. If you are a husband, love your wife, in all things as Christ loves us, love your wife, it is the will of God. Children, obey your parents in all things, this is the will of God. If we get within the will of God our family life will be a lot easier but with one broken link, the whole chain doesn't work, so remember, do your part. If the wife happens to have a minister for a husband then she has double duty, as does her husband, but God would not have put you in this situation if it wasn't his will and you were not capable. The word of God also gives us license to fix things if they are broken so that we do not go lost but if we would just become what he create us to be first, we would not have to use these options. In example, the non believing spouse(1 Corinthians 7:15), the sin of fornication(Matt 19:9), Unruly children(Prov 13:14), all because one or the other did not do their part in the family. This holds true in the Church and if we believe as we say we do and have faith as a grain of mustard seed, then we will also know that it will help our families to function properly. The way that God made them to function. Have a great day!!!

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