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Daily Bread 8-25-16

Romans 3:18

18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

ref. - Ps 36:1 - The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

One of the worst issues that mankind has today is that there are so many people who are claiming Christianity but have no fear of God. The voice inside them tells them that, "He cannot do what the Word of God says He can", or "He will not do what the Word of God says He will". Too many are ignoring the fact that all vengeance and all power lies in the hands of our almighty God. We say it with our mouths but our hearts have not yet been transformed to realize the true power and might of our God. The word of God in Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It also says in Proverbs 8:13 that The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth. If we are to truly gain wisdom and knowledge we must acknowledge and fear our God. The voice in our hearts that cause us not to fear God is not of God but it is the voice of sin. Sin does not fear God, transgression has no worry about the end results of our actions. But sin is not supposed to have dominion over us. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to show us that we can live without sin controlling us. He gave us the tools, the knowledge through his teachings and His Holy Spirit, to instill fear of God in us through many examples of those who did not fear God and fell. This verse in Romans pertains to all men, not just Jews or Gentiles, but all men. Not one is exempt from the wrath that is to come if we do not repent and turn from our evil ways. Our only way is through Jesus Christ and I tell you, brothers, it is a good way. It is a pure way and a holy way. Let us not fall in the wilderness because of our lack of faith. Let us not fall to the wrath of God because of our pride or arrogance. Let us repent and fall humbly at the feet of our Lord and beg for mercy, knowing that utter destruction is before us if we do not surrender to the light and living God. Let us take seriously and cling to the way that we have been given in Jesus Christ. Let us watch and not be weary as the time is coming that men will say that they see and do not see, and men will say that they hear and do not hear. Let us seek him in righteousness and in truth. Let us fear God and follow Christ!! He loves us enough to chastise us and he cares for us enough to not have consumed us already. We have a great opportunity to endure to the end but we must seek for wisdom through the fear of God and accept the knowledge of the Holy as it is understanding(Pr. 9:10). We must believe what we are reading and being taught and press into it, knowing that it is the path that God has created for us to follow. In Christ Jesus have a great day!!!

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