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Daily Bread 12-26-16

Galatians 3:11,12

11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doth them shall live in them.

ref. - Hab 2:4 - Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

Rom 4:4 - Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

Lev 18:5 - Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them. I am the Lord.

We can either do something on our own that has only been successfully achieved by one(Jesus Christ), or we can, by faith, allow him to do the work in us through his Spirit. In this scripture we know that we will never be justified by just our actions and our works. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to please God by acts and works alone. We must have faith. In order to be seen as glorious in God's eyes he must see us through the eyes of his Son. Jesus Christ sees us as his Brothers and His Sisters, his friends it is written, if we only believe in Him and become obedient to what he commands us. It is this or we try to go it on our own. Now many of us only know how to get somewhere by going the hard way, but in this instance, there is no hard way to get there. We will never make it. We will never become righteous through our own doing as there will never be a change within our souls. It will just me a sinner acting out the acts of a righteous man. But God knows the inner workings of a man and this is why he made the Holy Ghost available to us. So that we could be changed inside in a way, through Christ, that we could live pleasing to God. Not putting on an act, but living as he made us with the right Spirit within us. So, today we have a choice, and it should be an easy one; Either try to achieve it on our own, to which no man save Jesus Christ has done. Or, have faith that Christ can change our hearts, minds, and souls, into a sacrifice that smells good to God!! Do yourself a favor, and pick number 2!!! Have a great day!!!

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