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Daily Bread 12-23-16

Ephesians 2:17

17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.

ref. - Isa 57:19 - I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is afar off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord, and I will heal him.

We serve living a savior that offers so many things that the world doesn't really offer but one of the greatest is peace. There is no greater feeling than to have peace with one another but more importantly peace within ourselves. This is exactly what Christ has for us if we commit ourselves to serving God. He takes things(mountains) that we cannot overcome and even people that constantly persecute us and makes them minimal or unimportant in our lives. Not that they go away, but that they are cast out of the way or we are able to overcome them and move forward. This message was not just for his favorites or just for the strangers, it was, is and always will be, for all who will accept it! We are given something in Christ that causes us as well to bring peace to others. When we are constantly overcome by turmoil and trials we are injured. Many blame the Church or God but it is our lack of faith that causes us to not overcome these things. But the word of God says that he offers healing to the injuries that we have received. So, whether it be people, the Church, the world, the government, whatever it is, dealing with the Spiritual or carnal, there is one place to find peace and that is in the Lord. Go to your knees and cast your cares upon him. Glorify him and let him know that you believe that he has the power to bring peace unto your soul and he will bring peace! No matter what your situation or what your level of faith, a little talk with Jesus will calm you, save you, forgive you, and leave you in a state of peace like you have never felt before. So instead of talking about it, let's do it!!! Have a great day!!!!

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